The Blog
Straightforward birth after declining induction for 'a big baby' (First time mum)
After induction recommendations for a suspected ‘big baby’, first time mum Rachel chose to wait for labour and had a straightforward spontaneous birth in hospital.
Second HBAC Waterbirth for Third Baby
A third time mum shares her second VBAC experience of her baby born at home in the water.
Second Time Mum Homebirth (BBA)
Second time mum plans a home birth despite induction conversations, a very long first labour and cardiology concerns. Here she shares her experience of a QUICK, straightforward and positive homebirth (BBA).
First Time Mum Birth Centre Birth after declining induction
First time mum declines immediate induction after her waters break and has a waterbirth on a midwife led birth centre
Homebirth for a First Time Mum
Laura shares her experience of giving birth to her first baby in the water at home
Giving birth after a previous instrumental 'delivery'
If you experienced an instrumental birth for your first baby, is it likely to happen again?
How to prepare for the birth of your second baby
What can you do to prepare for the birth of your second baby?
What to do if your hospital has suspended Gas & Air
Gas & Air provision has been suspended in several UK Hospitals, what do you do now?
Hypnobirthing refresher for you second baby?
I thought I’d take you through what a ‘typical’ one to one hypnobirthing session looks like for families expecting their second babies! I use the word ‘typical’ lightly; as no two sessions ever actually look the same! Usually people attend with their birth partner, but not always.