What to do if your hospital has suspended Gas & Air

No Gas & Air? Now What?

You may have seen in the news that a handful maternity units across the U.K. have or may temporarily suspend provision of gas & air as a method of pain relief.

Why? Whilst short term exposure to gas and air is safe (eg in labour), long term exposure carries risks including vitamin B12 deficiency and fertility problems which is absolute unacceptable for those working regularly on maternity units. Some units do not have a ventilation system that is working to adequately clear Entinox (gas & air) from the air, leaving staff at risk. (How it ever got to this point is an entire conversation in itself!). 

Fortunately the suspensions are only temporary, whilst new ventilation systems are installed/mended, but there will certainly be some people who are affected by this news,​

Naturally, this might be leaving you feeling very anxious, particularly if you are hoping to avoid an epidural. So what are your options if your unit is affected? 

First of all - Pause, breathe and ground yourself.
Right as you discover this news. Run a bath, breathe and listen to a guided relaxation to help you remember this- the strength to give birth doesn’t lie in gas & air. It lies in you. And you’re going to be brilliant.

Consider transferring your care.
Is there an alternative trust you could reach easily? 

Consider your birth place.
It is mainly labour wards and some attached midwife led units that are affected- could you give birth in a freestanding unit or at home?

Learn about the other medical pain relief options.
Epidural and Opioids will likely be your main options. We discuss the pros and cons of both in our courses. 

Maximise your comfort measure tool box
Tens machine, water (pool or bath/shower), massage techniques, movement/positions, hypnobirthing scripts, breathing tools, relaxation techniques, hot water bottle, aromatherapy, birth ball - all covered in depth on our courses! The more comfort measures available to you- the more comfortable you will be.

Join us for a course!! 
When news like this is shared, it's never been more important to make sure you understand you rights and the choices you have; to understand how birth works and how you can work WITH your physiology, not against it; and to build your confidence in yourself. You can do it.
Our online course is just £40/$49 and available worldwide. All prerecorded you can get started TODAY if you want to!


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