The Blog
Homebirth Story with 'brow presentation' baby
Racehl describes her birth as an “Overwhelmingly positive experience with a ‘bit in the middle’”
Unplanned Homebirth (BBA) using hypnobirthing
Using hypnobirthing techniques for a positive (unexpected) homebirth.
Second HBAC Waterbirth for Third Baby
A third time mum shares her second VBAC experience of her baby born at home in the water.
Second Time Mum Homebirth (BBA)
Second time mum plans a home birth despite induction conversations, a very long first labour and cardiology concerns. Here she shares her experience of a QUICK, straightforward and positive homebirth (BBA).
Homebirth for a First Time Mum
Laura shares her experience of giving birth to her first baby in the water at home
5 Biggest Home Birth Myths
Many families using our Hypnobirthing course go on to plan a homebirth.. but occasionally people are discouraged or warned against the ideas using some pretty spectacular myths! These are probably the top 5 most common (but not the only) bits of utter nonsense I've heard about homebirth over the years- has anyone told them to you?
Positive Birth Story: First Time Mum's Home Waterbirth
Rose (@rosielondoner) and her husband attended a birth-ed course in preparation for the birth of their daughter Lily Valentine, one of the most beautiful home water birth stories I’ve had the pleasure of reading.