The Blog
5 Biggest Home Birth Myths
Many families using our Hypnobirthing course go on to plan a homebirth.. but occasionally people are discouraged or warned against the ideas using some pretty spectacular myths! These are probably the top 5 most common (but not the only) bits of utter nonsense I've heard about homebirth over the years- has anyone told them to you?
Midwifery Led Birth Centre
A ‘home from home’ environment either freestanding or attached to a hospital.
Giving Birth at Home
Whether you’re considering a home birth at this point or not, have a read to see what it might look like for you!
So you've got to give birth on the Labour Ward?
Wave goodbye to hypnobirthing and a positive birth then right? WRONG! If being on the Labour Ward feels like a safe and positive choice for you, then there is PLENTY you can do to make it positive.
Planned Caesareans: What are they like and what are your options?
Elective caesareans, (where you choose to have one in advance), for whatever reason and the options that may be available to you.