The Blog
Monitoring in Labour, what are your options?
What sort of monitoring should you have in labour? A look at pinnards, dopplers, CTG, FSC and Telemetry monitoring.
Positive Birth Story: Induction after Waters had broken
Taking control of your choices can make your induction so much more positive.
Birth is just like going for a poo!
There are many parallels between going for a poo and giving birth.. this post could totally change the way your approach everything!
Stretch and Sweep: A shortcut to labour?
Have you been offered a ‘stretch and sweep’.. do you actually know what is it, what it involves and what it might mean for your labour and birth?
How Jammy Dodgers can help you give birth naturally!
The importance of eating and drinking in labour.
Evidence Based Birth- where to find your info?
Where to gather evidence based information when preparing to make decisions about your birth?