The Blog
Hyperstimulation: When there's no gap in contractions
What does it mean if you get no gaps between contractions?
"Trust your body", a nonsense or a motto to live by?
“Trust your body”: An idea often disputed when it comes to giving birth, because ‘birth doesn’t always go to plan’.
But tell me this.. do you doubt your ability to breathe/ digest food/ heal a cut/ pump blood etc? For the majority of people these things happen without us ever questioning our body’s ability to do them.
'I CAN'T DO IT ANY MORE'- 'Transition' in labour
The panic moment of many births- transition!
The best position to give birth in…
How do you decide what position to be in during labour?
What does labour actually FEEL like?
We focus a lot of the physiology of birth, the choices and the options, even the emotions. But what about the sensations? What can you expect to actually FEEL when you’re in labour?
Birth is just like going for a poo!
There are many parallels between going for a poo and giving birth.. this post could totally change the way your approach everything!
Treat the last few weeks of pregnancy like CHRISTMAS!
Read this any time of the year, about how to help bring labour on!
Early Labour is STILL labour!
I’ve spoken before about the words I’d love to ban using around birth and pregnancy (namely ‘allowed’ and ‘have to’), but this one always gets me!