The Blog
Positive Birth Story: Labour Ward Water Birth
“I felt like a superwoman throughout and afterwards!”. Positive water birth on a labour ward for this mum’s second baby.
Understanding Birth, the physiology, physical and psycology.
Birth is three things. Physical. Physiological. Phycological. One thing cannot exist without another. When you are in labour, each aspect needs to be cared for and considered equally.
'I CAN'T DO IT ANY MORE'- 'Transition' in labour
The panic moment of many births- transition!
What does labour actually FEEL like?
We focus a lot of the physiology of birth, the choices and the options, even the emotions. But what about the sensations? What can you expect to actually FEEL when you’re in labour?
Early Labour is STILL labour!
I’ve spoken before about the words I’d love to ban using around birth and pregnancy (namely ‘allowed’ and ‘have to’), but this one always gets me!
The REASON we want a quiet, undisturbed birth is so we can utilise this...
The Fetal Ejection Reflex. What is it? How does it work? If you’re giving birth soon you’ll want to read this!
How Jammy Dodgers can help you give birth naturally!
The importance of eating and drinking in labour.