Positive Birth Story: second baby born on a Midwife Led Unit

Thankyou to Caoimhe for sharing her amazing birth story with us, following her private course with birth-ed earlier this year! 

This was my second pregnancy and I was really hoping and aiming for a calm, natural birth. With my first son I went overdue and had reduced movement so decided to get induced. I had to stay in the hospital for the induction to get monitored and after such a medical experience first time I really wanted to labour at home in my own environment for my second birth.

Private hypnobirthing Surrey

I did a private hypnobirthing course with Megan and practised with scripts and visualisations daily. I found this really helpful when for a second time I went overdue. I didn’t let myself get negative or think about induction,I remained faithful that my body would go into labour naturally.

Positive Hypnobirthing Story

At 40+3 I woke up at 2am with some twinges which developed quickly into strong long surges.After 30minutes my surges were 1minute long and 3minutes apart and building quickly. I had practised hypnobirthing in my front living room so my husband helped me get set up in this room with my yoga ball, candles and tens machine. I focused on my breathing and got myself into a calm zone. I found that in labour I didn’t want any music, noise or talking. I just wanted to sit on my ball at home, breathing and visualising through each surge which were now almost 2 minutes long and 2minutes apart.

The perfect birth partner

When my waters broke at 4:30am my husband encouraged us to go to the hospital, and thank god he did. This was the other great thing about the private course, my husband was so in tune with what I was doing and what I wanted to achieve but he could see when things were changing and when he needed to help.

We got in the car to Kingston hospital at 5:04am and I had a sudden urge to push.

After a speedy drive to the hospital, I managed to walk from the car into the midwife led ward. I told the midwife that baby was coming and I needed to push and they led me straight into a birthing room. I wanted to stay upright so I remained standing and held onto the side of the bed, the midwife told me on the next contraction baby would be here!

I delivered my baby boy naturally with 2 strong contractions at 5:17am. My labour was 3 hours from start to finish.

Big baby, positive birth

Leo was a big boy at 8lb 12oz and 55cm long and we are both doing really well. I am elated that I had the natural birth I wanted and so glad I trusted and practised in the hypnobirthing method.

If you want your positive birth to become a reality, why not join us for an in person hypnobirthing and antenatal course in Surrey or London. Further afield? Check out our Online Hypnobirthing course!




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