Each year we welcome thousands (yes really!) of parents-to-be onto a birth-ed™ course.. on our groups, one-to-one or online classes.. on the fence about booking your course? This is what a FEW past clients have to say..
We can’t even begin to explain how grateful we are for the birth-ed® course! for most of pregnancy we had been burying our heads in the sand about the actual ‘birth’ part of what was to come, but after meeting megan and taking the full private course we were left feeling so capable and walking on air about what was to come. we feel very lucky to have had a straightforward birth on the birth centre for our first baby, though knowing what i know now, i realise that a lot of that wasn’t actually down to luck at all, it was down to the preparation we did. i dont even want to think about what it might have looked like if we hadn’t done the birth-ed™ course! Mae and ben, Private course