The Power of Suggestion: Nits vs Birth

The Power of Suggestion in Birth

If you haven't got kids at school yet, you won't have been subjected to these fun emails that hit your inbox every few weeks.. if your kids have just started, it's only a matter of time!

'What's this got to do with giving birth?', I hear you ask. Don't worry, the nits are irrelevant. What IS relevant, is the reaction I have every time this kind of message appears.. maybe even a reaction you're having right now.


(And no, I don't have nits.. I checked my head 3 times already.. it doesn't itch at all, until I read or think about this message.. then the itching starts all over again!).

This my friends, is the POWER OF SUGGESTION!

Think too hard about itching, and you notice every itch on your body with immense detail. You even create itching sensations where there weren't any before. And this is where it get's relevant.

Giving birth, focus all your attention, energy and conversation on pain and it quite literally makes it worse. Yes, birth is likely to hurt. But it's likely to hurt EVEN MORE if that is all we are thinking about.

The hypnobirthing tool kit that you'll learn on the birth-ed course gives you tons of tools to help shift this focus, build your confidence and help you manage whatever sensations you are experiencing. It's not about eliminating pain completely, pain has many purposes in labour (more on that another time!), but we sure don't want to be making that pain any harder that it needs to be. On top of the holistic or medical pain relief options, tools such as Positive Affirmation, Guided Hypnosis Scripts, Anchors all work to impact the subconscious mind, (just like the nits letter did!), but in a positive and useful way; making birth as comfortable as possible for you.

To learn more about how the mind and body are connected in strange ways like this, you'll want to watch Module 1 of the course!


The Birth-ed Podcast is BACK with Dr Sara Wickham


Hospital Waterbirth of First Baby