About to Become a Dad?

Are you about to become a father for the first (or subsequent) time?

Have you been invited to (or expected to be at) the birth of your baby?

There’s often SO much preparation around how birth works, pain relief options, possible interventions, changing nappies, infant feeding (all of which is TOTALLY relevant to dads by the way!), but can leave you feeling a bit ‘lost’ as to what to ‘do’ on the day. Even sometimes feeling really very anxious or scared about seeing your partner in pain, maybe seeing blood or spending time in hospital.

In this podcast episode with male Midwife, Mark Harris, we chat all about what it’s like to be a man in the birth space. What you can do to help, but importantly understanding how differently male/females respond to the experience of birth down to both our cultural conditioning and biological differences.

Have a listen and not only will you feel more prepared and calmer about your role as a birth partner, but you will find yourself feeling more understanding of and in tune with your pregnant partner and their experience of birth.

Have a listen here or on your usual podcast app!


Empowered Hospital Water Birth of Second Baby


Hyperstimulation: When there's no gap in contractions