Hypnobirthing Podcast

The Birth-ed Podcast: Series 3 Episode 2: Hypnobirthing

The FIRST 'solo' episode of the podcast so far. I thought, as a company that provide hypnobirthing and birth education, it was a bit ridiculous not to have an episode actually ABOUT hypnobirthing! And given that this is my own area of speciality, I thought we could chat just you and me for once!

In this week's episode I chat about:

- What hypnobirthing is and how it works
- Busting the myths and misconceptions of hypnobirthing
- Understanding birth physiology and the things that influence it
- How hypnobirthing fits into more complex births

This episode is PERFECT if you are-

a) unsure of what hypnobirthing is or whether it might be useful for you
b) for sharing with friends/family who are sceptical, but you can't be bothered to spend 20 minutes trying to convince them

(If you are already signed up for a course with us, this episode is mainly just recapping things that are covered in more detail in the course itself!)


Pregnancy Podcast: New Episode


3rd Baby born unexpectedly at 35 weeks using hypnobirthing techniques