What do Human Rights have to do with birth?

Today, 10th December, is the International Day of Human Rights.

You might think it's strange to bring this up in the context of childbirth in a country where we have freedom of speech, a democracy, a developed maternity system; but it’s incredibly important.

Hands up if you’ve been told you ‘can’t have a waterbirth because of x, y or z’? Hands up if you have ever listened to someone's birth story (or your own) and heard someone told they-

‘can’t have a home birth’?

‘can’t request a caesarean’?

‘can’t get off the bed’?

‘have to have an induction’?

‘have to be continuously monitored’?

‘must have vaginal examinations’?

‘must be on the labour ward’?

What if I told you it’s all BULLSHIT!?

NOBODY can tell you what you must or must not do.

Nobody can allow or disallow you to do anything. Not simply because you are an intelligent, autonomous and perfectly reasonable human being- who would be totally capable of making your own decisions when provided with the evidence based information you need to do so; but because it is actually THE LAW.

The Human Rights Act gives you the right to physical autonomy and Integrity, meaning that ONLY YOU get to decide what happens to your body. In the UK this includes what happens regarding your baby throughout pregnancy and birth too (until the baby is born, they have no rights in the eyes of the law, which is important in order to protect autonomy and freedom of choice).

What does this mean for birth?

It means that everything is your choice. Whether or not to even accept maternity care, which parts to accept (including scans, blood tests, screening etc), where you wish to give birth, what happens in labour itself (including whether or not to accept vaginal examinations, induction, intervention, or to free birth in your back garden). It is ALL optional. The role of your healthcare team is to provide you with evidence based information, offer evidence based advice and recommendations, and then support YOU in whatever choice YOU MAKE- EVEN if it’s not one they would have made personally. YOU do not have to ‘prove’ that you choice is informed in order to make it (though I would thoroughly recommend making sure it is).

OF COURSE, there are situations where a c-section is probably a bloody great idea, where an induction feels like a totally logical and sensible choice, where a vaginal examination MAY give us some useful information, where a scan might be something you really look forward to- but simply knowing these things are a choice, and the decisions around having them lie with you, makes the world of difference to how we experience care.

So, as you move forward throughout your pregnancy, remember this. Everything is your choice and your choice only. For some reassurance and support in actually advocating for those choices- have a listen to this
podcast episode on advocacy with Midwife Illyin Morrison.

P.S Whenever you're ready, here's 3 ways I can help you to feel confident and informed before the birth of your baby.

1. Listen to the Podcast

UK TOP 5 RANKING Parenting Podcast! Seriously in depth conversations with the world's leading women's health, pregnancy and birth experts. I really don't hold back when it comes to asking questions here- if you've wondered it, I've asked it. Topics from tongue tie to infant sleep, caesarean birth to home birth.

2. Join the Online Course

Multi-Award Winning Antenatal & Hypnobirthing course. All the handy tips and info you get from these emails, in one easy to follow video course. 1000s of families have used the course to find clarity in their decision making, confidence and trust in themselves and gone on to have incredible birth experiences. Just £40/$49 and available worldwide.

3. Join me in person

If you're local to Surrey, UK, you can combine the community of some mat leave pals with the magic of a birth-ed group course. If you want a more bespoke birth preparation, the opportunity to talk through your personal circumstances and pick my brain about all things birth & postnatal- we can work together 1-1 online or in real life! Just reply to this email and we can chat dates!


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