The Birth-ed Method
Bringing you everything you THOUGHT you'd get in your antenatal appointments, but didn’t
As seen in

The Multi Award Winning Birth-ed Method.
The Online Antenatal Course that takes you from feeling vulnerable, clueless and out of control, to feeling confident, calm and excited about giving birth.
I cannot tell you how often I speak to women during their pregnancy who are super anxious at the prospect of giving birth.
I get it, it’s easy to approach your birth prep thinking…
“Birth is so unpredictable, what’s the point in even preparing?”
“I’m just going to go with the flow, all that matters is a healthy baby”
Sound like you?
It’s scary to WANT something more from birth than simply ‘getting out of it the other side”, isn’t it?
It’s easier to cover your ears, do as you're told, cross your fingers & hope for the best. Isn’t it?
Nope. Not for you. You want to feel safe, supported, listened to.
And you’re in the right place. The Birth-ed Course is everything you need.
In our unique 15 Module programme, I will hold your virtual hand and take you from feeling totally out of control, small and anxious to feeling brave, confident and excited to birth your baby and take those tentative first few steps into parenthood.

A handful of 15 minute long antenatal appointments is only going to get you so far when it comes to feeling prepared for birth.
If you want more involvement in your birth than simply ‘show up and have a baby’, you’re going to need to get your information from somewhere! Spoiler… Dr Google, Instagram and the MumsForums probably aren’t going to cut it either!
The Birth-ed Method gives you everything you thought you’d learn in your midwife appointments, but didn’t.
A complete birth & postnatal preparation
15 modules of short videos (2-20mins)
8 Guided relaxation MP3s (For pregnancy, birth & beyond)
PDF Course Companion
Interactive Birth Preferences Template
Birth Bag Packing List
What’s Covered?
The 4 pillars of the Birth-ed Method: Mind, Body, Choices & Communication provide you with a deep & holistic preparation for birth and early parenthood.
There’s no point in knowing your choices, if you don’t feel confident enough to communicate what you want. Understanding how your body works in labour is useless, if you don’t have the mindset techniques to manage what you’re feeling.
These 4 pillars of birth preparation are essential to achieving a positive and satisfying birth experience, skip one, as many antenatal courses do, and the whole preparation falls apart.
Birth-ed testimonials
Birth-ed testimonials

about me
Hey, I’m Megan,
Founder of The Birth-ed Method, hand holder extraordinaire and I am so glad we’ve found each other!
My journey into the world of birth, babies & early parenting actually started long before I had children of my own, back in 2014 when I started my midwifery training. 2017, birth-ed launched & I’ve supported 1000s of families across the globe to prepare for a positive, empowering and satisfying birth experience over this time.
In the 10 years since I started this work though, the shape of the maternity system has changed rapidly. Intervention rates have skyrocketed, staffing is in crisis, birth trauma is increasing, care provision is a skeleton of what it used to be and I just knew, the birth-ed course had to change to reflect the world in which you guys are about to give birth within. And so was born, The Birth-ed Method.
If you’ve got that niggling feeling that something’s missing from your antenatal care... You KNOW you want a birth experience that’s more than just ‘fine’... You’re desperate to parent on your terms and shake off the expectations and opinions of everyone else… Then allow me to take you warmly by the hand and show you exactly how to make that happen.

In the Press
The UK’s TOP Pregnancy & Birth Podcast.
Bringing together world leading voices in all things pregnancy, birth, babies & women’s health for the in depth conversations you deserve to be getting in your antenatal care.
The Birth-ed Bump Club
Want me by your side every week of your pregnancy
(for FREE)?
The Birth-ed Bump Club brings you the info you thought you’d be getting in your antenatal appointments, but aren’t! Tailored, week by week support over email, so you’re always one step ahead of the decisions you’re about to be thrown in pregnancy.
(And no, I’ll never compare your baby to a watermelon!)