DOWNLOAD: 10 things to do in your 2nd trimester so your birth plans aren’t derailed...

I know you want to feel confident and in control of your birth. Do these 10 things now, and 41 week pregnant you will thank you!

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Practical things you can be doing right now to directly influence the way your birth unfolds.

Feel more confident, informed and in control in just 10 minutes!

A special discount for The Birth-ed Method, so you know exactly what to do next.

What you're doing now will directly impact your birth. 

If you 'tick the wrong box', make decisions too late or don't know what you can ask for, it can suddenly feel like the rug has been pulled from under your feet in pregnancy. I cannot tell you how many women I speak to at 30 weeks, 40 weeks, 42 weeks who say... "I wish I had known all this sooner...", "I had no idea that doing x would mean I couldn't do y", "If only someone had told me". 

I don't want that for you. I want you to have a birth where you feel powerful, supported and safe. These are the things women WISH they'd thought about sooner. But not you... you're going to find it all out now!

Megan Rossiter, founder of Birth-ed, sitting on a step with her two young sons

Hey! I’m Megan.

Founder of Birth-ed, Mum of 2 (and 2 stars in the sky), Gilmore Girls Mega-fan and tea addict.

I've supported 10,000s of women like you prepare for an empowering, satisfying birth experience, so I know exactly what it is you need to be doing now in your second trimester, to get that birth you long for and I can't wait to tell you everything!  

Pregnant female with her hands resting on her bump with her partners hands

The Birth-ed Method

Download '10 things to do in your 2nd trimester so your birth plans aren’t derailed' 

So that you don't accidentally hand over your power and decision making to the hands of the system. This birth is yours. And the prep starts here.