Welcome To the



Everything you need for a positive birth experience

COURSE UPDATE 24/04/2024

Please note. The Birth-ed Course has been updated! And moved to a new course platform. The website has undergone a revamp too (which is why things are looking a bit dodgy here!). Rest assured, the content is all exactly the same, so you are welcome to continue in this space. If you would like to move across to the updated course and platform, you should have received several emails with instructions on how (it’s free to move over!). If you are unsure, please do email me and I can help!

The menu bar of this course has been lost in translation! Please find links to all the pages below.

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

Module 5

Module 6

Module 7

Module 8

Module 9



You did it! The first step to a positive birth experience. And I am SO excited to see you here. There’s a TON of information packed into the course, from physiology to birth choices, hypnobirthing techniques to optimal positioning exercises. Take it at a leisurely pace or devour it at speed, you have access for the next 12 months so you are free to dip in and out, recap as needed or watch on repeat if it helps!

Getting Started


Before you begin, head to the Downloads section.

Print or download your ‘Course Companion’, which provides activities, resources and supporting information for you to use alongside the video content.

Download your MP3s to your phone, computer or tablet for you to access at your leisure.


Join us in The birth-ed Family Faceboook Group where you can ask questions, support each other and share your birth story!

Enter the password befacebook for access.


The course is split into 9 modules. Each module will take you approximately 15-60 minutes to complete. Start at the very beginning (it’s a very good place to start), and work through the modules in order.

You can select your module using the drop down menu or side bar. Each module is broken down into short videos, but will run continuously until you hit pause! Using the drop down menu on the video player you can choose which video you would like to access.